When you reach points of suspension do you look down or stare ahead?
Do you look back for tracks that tell you how you got there?
When you reach those blasted ellipses do you let the past eclipse your vision?
Or do you look beyond the blind spot until you get there?
When you see nothing but dots in front of you do you join them to make a line?
Or do you try to wipe each one away and enjoy the state of mind?
When you run out of things to say to someone do you let your sentence trail?
Or do you lift the tone to ask a question before your thoughts fail?
When there's silence all around you and all you hear is breath
Do you speak just to be heard or do you speak coz you dread?
When the noise is so loud that you can't be heard do you yell anyway?
Or do you stop till the noise subsides and set your thoughts in play?
The way you answer each of these do determine your soul
Coz when I next do encounter you is when I speak in BOLD!

Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://shivispoetry.blogspot.in/.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://shivispoetry.blogspot.in/.