Friday, December 30, 2011

Burning the venom

Slither away lover,
Surprise me all you want
Notice not my fangs and venom
From deep within your world.
I may not harm you instantly
But time will only tell
I'll make you writhe in pain and regret,
I'll be your worst damned hell.

Hold me close cold lover,
Heart as cold as stone.
Then forget me cold cold lover
But for heck just don't drone.
For I don't get cold lover
Not in rain, snow or lack of soul
I'm warm and tricky lover
When angry hot as coal.

Strike me with venom lover,
Try to kill me if you must.
But I'll burn you limbless lover
With my wrath and flaming touch
You'll slither away in pain
And I'll bask in the sun
I'll laugh at you wriggling lover
But dont expect me to hover

Of course I love you, you damned snake,
You remind me of my strength
If it weren't for you damned snake
I'd be cooking or stitching a hem

Thanks to you slimy lover,
Cold heart and vacant soul
My strength would be forgotten
Probably growing mould.

I'll lie by your side cold venomous lover,
Join you wherever and whenever you will
But if you bite me lover
You'll fall very very ill.

--Another reply to

Friday, December 2, 2011

UPS Symphony

Beep thru my mind
Break my thoughts
Sound the alarm
Just stop me short
Beep beep shut down
Be-eep work starts
UPS et. al.
Just call it a day!
        --Shivangi Vyasulu

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Swirling through the air
An epitome of negligence
Drafts of intense indifference
Bouts of nausea
Encompass the mind.
Rivulets of fresh air
Seep in only to be poisoned
Muffled and disfigured
Acetic, pungent and disgruntled,
Begging for release
From the frigid throes of routine.
I wander through it all
Diversions, conversations, and the likes
The root of the issue
Buried under paperwork
Improvement impotent without backup.
                                --Shivangi Vyasulu

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grandma said it all!

Grandma called me a lady.
She said I was good.
She thinks I'm unpredictable
She says I'm "modern".

Grandma thinks I should go out with friends,
Stay the night if I'd like.
She wants me to be careful
Make sure I do it all right.

Grandma told me to protect myself
Despite the moment
She said she's heard nightmares
And she'd say it in truth.

Grandma asked me about men.
She said they'd  be willing
But when the time comes,
They'd behave a little chilling.

Grandma said I didn't have to get married
Unless I knew the dude was right
She said, " I know you youngsters..
Always trying to hide"

Grandma told me she was young too
And met people new
But grandpa came along
"Too bloody damn soon!"

Grandma says he was a good man.
He provided for her well.
But the times were so complicated
She's now in a shell.

Grandma says I should be free.
Do the things I want to do.
If you are sure about it,
Who am I to stop you?

Grandma gave me the sex talk.
The modern version I guess.
She said I'm old enough
So she won't second guess.

Be careful my darling
People are on the prowl
But if they push you around
Tell me and I'll make them howl.

Grandma is eighty-four now
Who'd have thought she knew
How well she knows me
And how incorrigible I am too!

--Shivangi Vyasulu

Monday, September 5, 2011


nine years ago i learned something good.
i'm as strong as steel. i shine cold and bright.
the sun makes me glint warm, the sarcasm makes me sneer.
i'm strong as you've ever seen me
drop me and i wont break
leave me on the flame n forget me
and i'll only burn you later.
i'm steely strong and cold to you
nine years have proved you wrong.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I sit still beneath the layers of warmth
Envisioning my day
And everytime I reach somewhere
I seem to doze off.
My throat feels rough, scraped like cheese
My brain filled with cotton
My nose seems to freeze
I curl up in bed
Willing myself to get better
There’s things I could do
That are so much better.
The weather outside torments me
The rain that falls seems to hiss at me
I drift off to sleep a little cross
Missing out on Friday
Oh what a loss!
I peep out from under the covers
And a draft of air sends me back at once.
TV and movies beckon me
But the damn fever and cold
Under the covers, me they tightly hold
A waste of a day and a long weekend,
If  well, I’d be on a beach
Lets not pretend.
Headed to work this morning
I peer outside
Oh what’s the matter with you sky?!
I will my throat to cheer up please
I want to relax outside and not freeze.
Out with it damn cold
Free your hold
You’re tormenting others too I’m told.
Fever bullying me like a little child
If you don’t stay away I’m gonna get riled
Just leave me alone!!!
—Shivangi Vyasulu

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tequila stamp of glory.

A few days ago I drank tequila,
More than you'd ever think
Each time I saw a shot
I would simply grab it and drink.
The shots came faster
the night got thrilling
Until I hit the floor.
How many shots I did
I really wasn't sure.
I spoke English in my head
Spanish was heard by others
I leaned against an imaginary pillar
Oh brother!!
I tipped back straight
Fell on the floor
And shocked a few around
I chattered through the ride back home
Oh I uttered all the sounds
The next morning I awoke at ten
Happy as a clam
I thought of the previous night's story
The applause, I remembered roaring
And then I noticed on my head
A painful tequila stamp of glory!
                                       - Shivangi Vyasulu (c)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tracing an image of Reality

Floating just over the glistening ocean
Beyond the crashing waves and between the sunset
Aiming for the horizon that never comes
I begin to breathe in inspiration.
Turbines of thought churn the words into life
Sealing them together in context
Seasoning them with a little wistful smile.
I’m encumbered by the need to assemble my thoughts
Bringing reality to life
Reality likes being obscure, unattainable and inexpressible.
I surge forward determined
Slicing through the chill waters
Warming up to the reality
Chopping the distance in half
Melting into the currents
The horizon tip toes further away
But I touch it briefly before it does
I have won it. It is mine.

Droning Intent

Remnants of a conversation
Ill at ease, VS eager to please...
The surrounding area charged with chemistry
Dearth of it here.
Innuendos and paraphrasing
Coy games and hints
Obscure demands
Incompatible at the seams

I walk through it all
Craving space and silence
Their thoughts too loud
Their libido too ferocious.

Your space is crammed
My comfort zone compromized
They're invading my perception
Nobody else knows
Or feels the claustrophobia
The notion that we are
My intuition constricted
By the narrow minded spiel.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Whirlpooling around the matter.

As noise levels rise
She pirouettes and fumbles.
Amidst confusion and chaos
She mumbles incoherence.
When the going gets tough
She resorts to mimic
Coupled with boredom
She adds a little tune.
Humming the song
She hopes we all know
The hint of an idea
She lilts across the floor
In vain she grins
Her intention hesitant
Unsure of the repercussions
She pirouettes home once more.
         --Shivangi Vyasulu

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The day I couldn't finish what I didn't start.

I was saying..
But nobody heard...
When it all began to...
Where did it go?
Calmness used to be natural to me.
Now evaporating through my grimace.
The slide has begun towards...
Undulating on rugged slopes covered in ice
Pivoting out of control...
The tip of the iceberg peeps through to my consciousness
A growl trips me up.
A shiver ran down my back a few hours ago
Its a full blown blizzard now.
Diversion is of the essence.
But as I said...
You don't mean...
But why would that change...
I'm now opaque with dissonance. 
--Shivangi Vyasulu.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Muffled mindgames.

The rain goes on.
Blurring the view
Blotting the sunshine
A sharp beam of light
as I scribble my name on a piece of paper
Riveted to the moment
Trying to save it for posterity.
The high had to be shattered.
The focus has shifted.
Time has no say in the matter.
A one track mind.
The sharp beam of light is now smudged
the nearby floor slippery
A slimy coat of rain water in a pool
Reflecting the murky skies
I blink once
I blink a few more times.
Its not my imagination
I cant open my eyes and look at it anymore.
A rippling effect of warped reality
stumped by the sudden clarity of it all.
My path diverges.
The diversion is welcome.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Disconnected plural

Once a plural memory
Now disconnected by fragments
Interrupted by daily life,
A sudden load of reality thrust upon me.
A revelation demands thrill
all I can muster is a half baked smile.
I know the consequences that loom ahead.
Fragmented past laid on shaky foundation.
Loneliness a factor deep down.
Its evident and was bound to happen.
Must be the center of attention.
My pain unfound.
hidden to accommodate the thrill I don't feel.
Its almost irrelevant now.
Vacuum building every new event.
I don't belong,
I don't want to adhere to those damn norms.
But I know the consequences.
I feel them now.
Its only going to get worse.
I've got a few months more to regain my perspective
Fight or flight not the only option. But that's what I'd choose from. 
landslide of thoughts pummel my brain.
The delicate shield of reality split right down the middle.
Time to give up the fight and just go with the flow.
Potential for loss high
no way to hedge the bet of impending doom.
I surrender, i subliminally resign.
I let life flow through my thoughts
Let it unfold the inevitable.
day by day
Until the end of the decade and the future I fear.
- Shivangi Vyasulu

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Caf-feigning awake thoughts.

Swimming through murky waters,
Coming up for air and a better perspective.
Lack of sufficient resources
Liquid inspiration
I long for the moment
Hitting my brain and reverberating
Assailing my senses both olfactory and creative
I surface once more to find daylight
Diving into crystal waters suddenly
The coral so perfectly formed.
Waiting for the prescribed half hour to avoid cramps
Pondering my path of discovery
Revelation on the horizon.
Shimmering movement of thought
Plunging into the depths of young minds
The magnetic thrill of the new.
Alluring simplicity
Egged on by fantasy
Dissipated by logic
Choosing my words
Frail wings of learning
I surface with a smile
Coffee on my breath.  

--Shivangi Vyasulu

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mind Games...

When sleep evades and thoughts prevail
the night elongates the tiredness you dread
Treading silently through the house
I hear
Snoring dog, dad and akin
The fridge creaks when I open it
The thirst just isn't quenched
The water gurgles down
My clothes all drenched
Eyes feel tired
Threatening to close
But my mind has another idea
Sleep does it dispose.
My alarm reminds me
Of my upcoming day
Excited or enthusiastic be I as I may
Sing me to sleep
Oh please do I ask
Its only a little thing
But a little task.
Deny me not my sleep
My brain I beseech
I trick my mind as if on the beach
                           --Shivangi Vyasulu

Friday, March 4, 2011

Guest Post by Scather, from Scathing Weekly.

This image was imported from Karnak Com. Exterior who supply coffee directly from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

An Ode to Coffee

What I like about Coffee:
The sound of the lid being unscrewed
The burst of warm smell when you open the jar
The texture of the golden-brown granules against my spoon
The artful way it melts into the hot water and milk
The steam
The fact that I got a 200g jar of Brazillian gold for $6.
--Scather, Scathing Weekly.

***It has also occurred to me that there is nowhere near enough appreciation of non-alcoholic drinks.
Wine has long been a fussy affair, what with guide books and even tasting classes (what next? a feeling
class of woolen garments? a smelling class of gardening manure? a hearing class of tram bells???) Coffee
too has its "connoisseurs" (and of course, fine cuisine, its gourmets)
I do not *yet* know of anyone (individual or institution) who practices the fine art of, say "lime cordial
appreciation" or "Milo tasting"... surely there must be some market for the wider appreciation of non-
alcoholic hot and cold beverages?!
(I myself have always wanted a Coca-Cola cellar... also stocked with cheese).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A phoenix of a promise

 After a very long hiatus
of hibernation if you will
A friend doth mention
A blog post to fill
Full of sarcasm and scathing
And books so obtuse
My wit did a somersault
the scathing was profuse
An exchange of blog space
we promised one another
But then the internet
did fail on me oh Bugger!!
When the net did return
The power did fail,
making my promise to her
begin to sound pale.
But then did I discover
a cafe so generous
with free wifi available
and a few viruses my guess is
But ahoy and finally
her post do I present
Just like me she doth
Revere her coffee.
--Shivangi Vyasulu (C)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thinking out loud.

When you reach points of suspension do you look down or stare ahead?
Do you look back for tracks that tell you how you got there?
When you reach those blasted ellipses do you let the past eclipse your vision?
Or do you look beyond the blind spot until you get there?
When you see nothing but dots in front of you do you join them to make a line?
Or do you try to wipe each one away and enjoy the state of mind?
When you run out of things to say to someone do you let your sentence trail?
Or do you lift the tone to ask a question before your thoughts fail?
When there's silence all around you and all you hear is breath
Do you speak just to be heard or do you speak coz you dread?
When the noise is so loud that you can't be heard do you yell anyway?

Or do you stop till the noise subsides and set your thoughts in play?

The way you answer each of these do determine your soul
Coz when I next do encounter you is when I speak in BOLD!
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Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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