Monday, June 15, 2015

I had to say it

Snippets of thoughts
Slowly form into rivulets
Meandering in my brain
Growing with the current
Gaining momentum
Crashing the obstacles of speech
Bursting through the barrage of reason
Eroding the resistance of stereotype
Rising and falling over little doubts and hesitation
Into a mighty pool of expression
Pushing forth into words.


Like old gnarled trees
In an otherwise barren land
We twist and root ourselves
We reach out wide and deep inside
For souls filled with light
Grasping thoughts
From swaying dreams
We absorb the wisdom of life
Then transform ourselves
And twine some more
That's how amity survives.

Telepathic Proximity

Transatlantic conversations
Teetering and tottering
Ticks of black and blue thoughts
Grins and sniggering
Between the lines
Peppered with happiness
A mere chat
The ocean but a table across
Bridging the gap

Creative Commons License
Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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