Friday, December 19, 2008


I dream of a solution, of a life thats fair.
A feeling of content when decisions don't lead to despair.
Of flying away above the clouds of desperation and obsession to please.
Of genuine satisfaction and a feeling of ease.
I dream of living and not just being.
I dream of feeling and not just hurting.
I dream of grinning and not just smiling.
I dream of living MY life, like nobody but ME.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Here we are now.. Entertainer!

The day began with the bright stage lights
Burst forth on center stage the voice
The one with the hatred
For normal life
No influence of any friends
People or partners.
They just hinder his style
Curb his enthusiasm
Reduce the energetic presence.
A circular addiction for rolling vodka bottles around the mic…
A sign of luck it seems
I’ve never noticed the effects otherwise.
Neon lights set him on fire.
The buzz of an audience just makes it harder to keep still
Jumping up and down to the beat.
Along with her in the crowd.
She responds to the signs.
Knows the words
Feels the music too
She knows what he is talking about
He is a little hesitant to believe her
A strong hunch about the voice
The presence
The strength
The sequence he has chosen
The build up of songs leading to one song she expects
The phantom notes in the back of her brain
He begins to set himself up for it
She begins to grin wide
Her day has been made
His voice carries forth.
The words describe the thought
Every word and note catch the meaning
Behind the implied
Caught up in the explanation of it all
Perfectly explained by the end
She approaches to remind him of her prediction
He’s proud of her
But too much ego to let it come thru at the time
Requiring a little time
To get humbled after the episode
It takes 5 episodes to happen
She’s on her way
Out of patience.
Trying to ignore the subtle traps
She has to look for them
He is very good at this.
6 others faced the same problem
She knows what to expect.
She shocks her with a new trap
She’s caught unawares
It’s all his fault
She braces for the upcoming disappointment
Sure as ever it is gonna come
A few minutes to go before it happens
Withdrawing the thoughts
Maybe reverse the last episode
Redo it differently
Why does she always get disillusioned at this point?
What can change her reaction?
He begins to plot a new move
She knows he has changed his mind
She’s one step ahead.
Begins her version of the episode
Prevent any further ego trips
She cannot let this go.
Not again.
This is getting old
New endearments don’t help.
Fake assurances that she can see thru
Confirmed only by acceptance of an ego
Commanding all thoughts and actions
She declares it’s the last chance he has.
He apologizes.
Wants to find a new ploy
It’s now time-bound
Crackling to remind the passage of irreversible problems
Why is he so complex?
3 days to shut down
-her decision has been made.

---Shivangi Vyasulu

Its a long story...I'd rather not explain. some of you will know what this is about... I didnt wanna publish i but what the hell it is my expression...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Estoy en la luna

Cuando el cielo habla con las nubes
La luna sonríe.
Así es una noche de luna.
Pero para mí es diferente...
Cuando tú hablas conmigo
antes de dormirme
es una noche de luna!
Cuando vamos a la playa
Y cenamos cerca del mar,
con las estrellas mirándonos...
¡Ah! Para mí es una noche de luna.
Cuando estamos en nuestra casa,
Bailando con música del saxofón
y los Pájaros están cantando
sus canciones alegremente
¡Ah sí! es una noche de luna.
Pero es solamente contigo
que yo siento noche de luna.
Shivangi Vyasulu

By popular demand, here is the translation.
I'm over the moon

When the sky speaks with the clouds
the moon smiles
That's a moonlight night.
But for me its different...
when you speak to me before I go to sleep,
its a moonlight night.
When we go to the beach
and dine near the sea
with the stars watching us,
ah to me that's a moonlight night!
When we are at our house,
dancing to the music of the saxofone
with the birds singing their happy songs outside.
oh yes! Thats a moonlight night!

But its only with you that I FEEL a moonlight night.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


When the world of song
Between reigns of chords
Burst thru your mind
A note of desperation
Waiting to tell you something
Prevented by the heart of the crowd
Poised to burst thru those lips
Into the recesses of her mind
Stolen in the midst of chattering
Screaming thru the brain
Losing train of thought
Without any control of those reigns
Lost in a forest of lyrics
The song losing its coherence
You want to replace this with the truth
But the surroundings stop you
You don’t know why you cant do it
He cant do it either
You hope the ocean would help
Maybe a journey to that place it all began.
Losing it fast I wait for your confirmation
Don’t make me think of it.
Don’t let him find those reigns
Haunting me like he did then
Come here soon querido
Break the silence
With the one thought I know you think
This is the chance, he’s almost gone.
Help me exorcise the image from my mind.
Break me away from it
Yet bring me back
Now more than ever
Donde estas chico?

---Shivangi Vyasulu

Friday, February 29, 2008

Mingled Feelings...

As the skies grow darker
The moon brighter,
The stars twinkle,
Voices diminish.
Feelings of peace prevail
The midnight fragrances evolve…
A contented smile.
Suddenly a movement, a slight one
Induces a burst of laughter and happiness.
“Alright! If its chocolate you want, that’s what you’ll get!”
She treads to the refrigerator.
Hears an imaginary chuckle…
Tears of joy spring on her
She pictures little fingers and toes.
Not much time left.
Forty-two days to be exact.
Placing her hands on the movement
She smiles…
A chuckle from the stars says,
“You better get to bed honey!”
She does.
Dawn sneaks up on her,
Forty-one days to go!

--Shivangi Vyasulu
Copyright ©2005 Shivangi Vyasulu
Creative Commons License
Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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