Friday, March 18, 2011

Mind Games...

When sleep evades and thoughts prevail
the night elongates the tiredness you dread
Treading silently through the house
I hear
Snoring dog, dad and akin
The fridge creaks when I open it
The thirst just isn't quenched
The water gurgles down
My clothes all drenched
Eyes feel tired
Threatening to close
But my mind has another idea
Sleep does it dispose.
My alarm reminds me
Of my upcoming day
Excited or enthusiastic be I as I may
Sing me to sleep
Oh please do I ask
Its only a little thing
But a little task.
Deny me not my sleep
My brain I beseech
I trick my mind as if on the beach
                           --Shivangi Vyasulu

Friday, March 4, 2011

Guest Post by Scather, from Scathing Weekly.

This image was imported from Karnak Com. Exterior who supply coffee directly from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

An Ode to Coffee

What I like about Coffee:
The sound of the lid being unscrewed
The burst of warm smell when you open the jar
The texture of the golden-brown granules against my spoon
The artful way it melts into the hot water and milk
The steam
The fact that I got a 200g jar of Brazillian gold for $6.
--Scather, Scathing Weekly.

***It has also occurred to me that there is nowhere near enough appreciation of non-alcoholic drinks.
Wine has long been a fussy affair, what with guide books and even tasting classes (what next? a feeling
class of woolen garments? a smelling class of gardening manure? a hearing class of tram bells???) Coffee
too has its "connoisseurs" (and of course, fine cuisine, its gourmets)
I do not *yet* know of anyone (individual or institution) who practices the fine art of, say "lime cordial
appreciation" or "Milo tasting"... surely there must be some market for the wider appreciation of non-
alcoholic hot and cold beverages?!
(I myself have always wanted a Coca-Cola cellar... also stocked with cheese).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A phoenix of a promise

 After a very long hiatus
of hibernation if you will
A friend doth mention
A blog post to fill
Full of sarcasm and scathing
And books so obtuse
My wit did a somersault
the scathing was profuse
An exchange of blog space
we promised one another
But then the internet
did fail on me oh Bugger!!
When the net did return
The power did fail,
making my promise to her
begin to sound pale.
But then did I discover
a cafe so generous
with free wifi available
and a few viruses my guess is
But ahoy and finally
her post do I present
Just like me she doth
Revere her coffee.
--Shivangi Vyasulu (C)
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Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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