Tuesday, October 21, 2014


She nips and bounds
Chews and pounces
Whines and yaps
Wiggles and wriggles
Until she fades into a nap

She twitches her paws
Dreams of running
Licks the ground beneath
Imagining food

She wakes up
Yawns in bliss
Stretches out
Her little limbs limber again
Bounds, pounces, yaps & wriggles
Once more in sheer abandon.
-- Shivangi Vyasulu

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Woe is me
My mental state
My mind is hanging
My brain's a paste
More neurons firing
I cannot take

Take me away
My battery is dead
Take me away
I'm a cyberdrone of lead

Flashing lights
Warning beeps
My system is crashing
My electrolytes replete
More programs
I cannot run


The ones that breathe
my breath with me
Fill my mind with
Hope and glee
That make me laugh
That make me see
How loved I am eternally

The ones that strengthen
My heart and soul
That fortify
And make me bold
They scatter all my
Doubts and fears
And replace them instead
With feelings of gold

The ones that make
My spirit soar
That chase away
pain and regret
And make me roar
My strength and dreams
Unearth once more
I thank you so
For the love you pour.

Centripetal force and convoluted thoughts

When your brain concocts reasons,
Thoughts that keep you awake
Explanations that are gibberish,
Expectations that have no basis
With words that mean nothing,
Are in a tune that's misinterpreted
I grapple for the truth
I cling onto morsels of logic
I grasp for a theory
A flimsy reason
Or a rock solid alibi
I quiver, twitch,  and shudder
The fragility makes me wince
The past makes me shiver
In retrospect,
maybe it was
A mistake swept under the rug
A topic not worth missing

Clean slate

The thunderstorm
Washes away
Cleans the cobwebs
Clogging my soul.
The crack of thunder
Exorcises my demons
My hesitation
Replacing it with clear water
Clean glass windows
With a glimpse
Into my future
My fortune
My destiny
My karma
My rainbow
A snapshot
Of me.


The irony of it all
The jolt of electric impulse
Courses thru the spine
Triggering off the need to flee.
I stay.
I'm strong.
I'm right.
I know.
Flight is a coward's tool.
It doesn't belong with me.
I refrain.
I draw upon my faculties.
The impulse wanes
Ebbs and subsides.
The freedom that comes with it
Fills my senses.
Liberation- that's what it is.


Pages filled with words
Scurrying across the page
Building the suspense
That grips the mind
The knuckles tighten
The heart pumps
The eyes widen
The breath quickens
You turn the page
The cycle begins again
You turn the page again
And again
The thrill of turning pages
The night no longer drags on
The world shrinks
To the size of that book
You must find out
Curiosity grows
Heightens your cognitive powers
Damn it
It's not who I thought it was
You succumb
To the cunning,
Author's ploy...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Searing Recollections

Simmering simpering seclusion
seduced by sanity
Silly stoic stories
Enslaved by serenity
sexy shimmering shells
of something showing
thru the sequestered sections
of a shuddering skin

Shooting, shouting, stalking, 
Sneaking suspiciously
shaking the spaces surrounding

Riveting, revitalising, refreshing
reality resoundingly roars
ringing thru the carpeted room
ripping and rocking
the foundations rarely seen
reading the risky notes
of the raging reaper
repairing the rotten rhymes

Succumbing to the rhetoric...

--Shivangi Vyasulu

The Summit

Flashes of light
Gashed and bubbled thoughts
Minuscule moments of doubt
scrambled by a single sound
across the view a sense of peace
of belonging and acceptance
a long way off yet within reach
Lingering questions float and lilt
Gliding thru the open air
in a magical moment of telepathy.
The moment arrests
Ending with a smile on both ends.

--Shivangi Vyasulu

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



I want to write words
But they don’t seem to flow
No inspiration to think
I really don’t know
It’s tearing me apart

And now
I’m so alarmed
I’m flying between
Sky and earth
Till I fall into perspective

I’ve been through this block
But never gotten over it
I need to think
But can’t seem to succeed
Impossible expressions
Undeniable numbness
Just nudge me forward
I need to reach
That threshold for peace
And harmonic conveyance.
-Shivangi Vyasulu

I wrote this when I was suffering from a major bout of writer's block. I know its ironic. I felt like writing but I couldnt but I wrote anyway.

Creative Commons License
Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://shivispoetry.blogspot.in/.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://shivispoetry.blogspot.in/.