The acids buzz around me,
Bases beyond my foundations
Alkalis make me gulp water
As I go thru the text.
The pH value of my brain…
You guessed a minus seven.
I’m pooped.
Let me outta here.
The equations seem to grumble
Their imbalance a striking feature
Catenation, neutralization
Titration, hydrogenation & Oxidation.
They buzz like mosquitoes in my ear.
Reduction calms me down.
`It’s OK you’ll have to do this
But once more. That’s it!’
Ready to burn my book…
A pal says, `Save trees, give it to me.’
An environmentalist…Oh no!
That reminds me of Hydrocarbons…
I’m beginning to get immune to it
The reaction prevented by a rusty head!
I hate it.
I’ve never felt this way before.
It’s not love.
I’m feeling murderous toward a certain Mosley and Dobrienier.
Good night and don’t buzz in my ears!
--Shivangi Vyasulu
I wrote this in 10th when I was studying for my chemistry exam.

Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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