Friday, February 29, 2008

Mingled Feelings...

As the skies grow darker
The moon brighter,
The stars twinkle,
Voices diminish.
Feelings of peace prevail
The midnight fragrances evolve…
A contented smile.
Suddenly a movement, a slight one
Induces a burst of laughter and happiness.
“Alright! If its chocolate you want, that’s what you’ll get!”
She treads to the refrigerator.
Hears an imaginary chuckle…
Tears of joy spring on her
She pictures little fingers and toes.
Not much time left.
Forty-two days to be exact.
Placing her hands on the movement
She smiles…
A chuckle from the stars says,
“You better get to bed honey!”
She does.
Dawn sneaks up on her,
Forty-one days to go!

--Shivangi Vyasulu
Copyright ©2005 Shivangi Vyasulu


Mandar said...

This is by far, the best "pregnant woman" poem I have read! This describes what my wife is going through to a "T"... lovely lovely poem! Thanks Shivi.. will share it with her.. I bet it brings a smile to her face! :)

Poet's Marathon said...

Please tell ehr also to comment on it! I'd love to know what I have right and what I have wrong...

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Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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