Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Swirling through the air
An epitome of negligence
Drafts of intense indifference
Bouts of nausea
Encompass the mind.
Rivulets of fresh air
Seep in only to be poisoned
Muffled and disfigured
Acetic, pungent and disgruntled,
Begging for release
From the frigid throes of routine.
I wander through it all
Diversions, conversations, and the likes
The root of the issue
Buried under paperwork
Improvement impotent without backup.
                                --Shivangi Vyasulu

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grandma said it all!

Grandma called me a lady.
She said I was good.
She thinks I'm unpredictable
She says I'm "modern".

Grandma thinks I should go out with friends,
Stay the night if I'd like.
She wants me to be careful
Make sure I do it all right.

Grandma told me to protect myself
Despite the moment
She said she's heard nightmares
And she'd say it in truth.

Grandma asked me about men.
She said they'd  be willing
But when the time comes,
They'd behave a little chilling.

Grandma said I didn't have to get married
Unless I knew the dude was right
She said, " I know you youngsters..
Always trying to hide"

Grandma told me she was young too
And met people new
But grandpa came along
"Too bloody damn soon!"

Grandma says he was a good man.
He provided for her well.
But the times were so complicated
She's now in a shell.

Grandma says I should be free.
Do the things I want to do.
If you are sure about it,
Who am I to stop you?

Grandma gave me the sex talk.
The modern version I guess.
She said I'm old enough
So she won't second guess.

Be careful my darling
People are on the prowl
But if they push you around
Tell me and I'll make them howl.

Grandma is eighty-four now
Who'd have thought she knew
How well she knows me
And how incorrigible I am too!

--Shivangi Vyasulu

Monday, September 5, 2011


nine years ago i learned something good.
i'm as strong as steel. i shine cold and bright.
the sun makes me glint warm, the sarcasm makes me sneer.
i'm strong as you've ever seen me
drop me and i wont break
leave me on the flame n forget me
and i'll only burn you later.
i'm steely strong and cold to you
nine years have proved you wrong.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I sit still beneath the layers of warmth
Envisioning my day
And everytime I reach somewhere
I seem to doze off.
My throat feels rough, scraped like cheese
My brain filled with cotton
My nose seems to freeze
I curl up in bed
Willing myself to get better
There’s things I could do
That are so much better.
The weather outside torments me
The rain that falls seems to hiss at me
I drift off to sleep a little cross
Missing out on Friday
Oh what a loss!
I peep out from under the covers
And a draft of air sends me back at once.
TV and movies beckon me
But the damn fever and cold
Under the covers, me they tightly hold
A waste of a day and a long weekend,
If  well, I’d be on a beach
Lets not pretend.
Headed to work this morning
I peer outside
Oh what’s the matter with you sky?!
I will my throat to cheer up please
I want to relax outside and not freeze.
Out with it damn cold
Free your hold
You’re tormenting others too I’m told.
Fever bullying me like a little child
If you don’t stay away I’m gonna get riled
Just leave me alone!!!
—Shivangi Vyasulu
Creative Commons License
Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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