Saturday, September 3, 2011


I sit still beneath the layers of warmth
Envisioning my day
And everytime I reach somewhere
I seem to doze off.
My throat feels rough, scraped like cheese
My brain filled with cotton
My nose seems to freeze
I curl up in bed
Willing myself to get better
There’s things I could do
That are so much better.
The weather outside torments me
The rain that falls seems to hiss at me
I drift off to sleep a little cross
Missing out on Friday
Oh what a loss!
I peep out from under the covers
And a draft of air sends me back at once.
TV and movies beckon me
But the damn fever and cold
Under the covers, me they tightly hold
A waste of a day and a long weekend,
If  well, I’d be on a beach
Lets not pretend.
Headed to work this morning
I peer outside
Oh what’s the matter with you sky?!
I will my throat to cheer up please
I want to relax outside and not freeze.
Out with it damn cold
Free your hold
You’re tormenting others too I’m told.
Fever bullying me like a little child
If you don’t stay away I’m gonna get riled
Just leave me alone!!!
—Shivangi Vyasulu

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahahha... very cute. you poor thing. you sound really ill and annoyed. chicken soup. lots of it. and get well soon.

Creative Commons License
Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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