People from your past
Flood your present mind
Memories and thought
While you unwind.
From far away destinations
Perfect suggestions
Of communication
Their intention.
You're here.
I am glad.
Nice to see you.
It has been too long.
We had not kept in touch.
We were both too busy.
Unlike three years ago.
We had fun.
Partied hard.
Our nightmare.
Deadlines looming threateningly.
Where have you been?
Suddenly appearing in my thoughts.
I'm happy too see you again.
Welcome to my mind again.
Let us chat again.
Tell me more.
What's up?
Monday, May 27, 2013
A blast from my past!
Monday, March 18, 2013
A taste of time-a waste of time
Traveling around
Searching for naught
can be a cool passtime
For a certain sort.
Some hound you
Some chat
Some say hello
And that's that.
Some compliment you
Some befriend you
Some speak rot
And totally offend you
Some look to tease
Some look for cheese
Others can't spell for peas.
For the love of God! please!
Surfing the net
Puts you at ease
But for some its their goal
Go get a life! Jeez!
A few chat coherently
Some even friendly
Some make you chat
And listen most patiently
Surfing the net
Just waiting for you to stop
Well if you don't say much
Expect that I'll talk
Speech is my thing
It's what I do
But if you're not really around
Then I'll write to you!
--Shivangi Vyasulu
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Decaying links
The decay of communication day by day
Sometimes leaves one little to say.
Words become few and often nay
Few are too many for some peoples' day.
Friendly conversation hinders one's pay
Time to chat just fading away
Familiar faces move totally astray
Friendship and kinship suddenly fray
Get-togethers with family are a delay
Compared to efficient work anyway
The loss of conversation may
Ruin your special day
But hey
Shivangi Vyasulu
Monday, January 28, 2013
The pros and cons of friendship
Friendship can be friendly
friendship can be great
Friendship can be implied
Friendship can be a debate
Friendship can be from afar
Friendship can be up close
Friendship can be in your face
Friendship can be in the closet
But friends can be more
Friends can be unpredictable
Friends can be rare
Friends can be inconsequential
Friends can lead to despair
Friends can be apologetic
Friends can be fake
But friends who are true don't make that mistake.
Friends don't hear clocks
Friends don't need to be told
Friends are those people with who you grow old.
Those who are around
Who know what to do
Are those your true friends
or are those who don't too?
Shivangi Vyasulu

Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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