Traveling around
Searching for naught
can be a cool passtime
For a certain sort.
Some hound you
Some chat
Some say hello
And that's that.
Some compliment you
Some befriend you
Some speak rot
And totally offend you
Some look to tease
Some look for cheese
Others can't spell for peas.
For the love of God! please!
Surfing the net
Puts you at ease
But for some its their goal
Go get a life! Jeez!
A few chat coherently
Some even friendly
Some make you chat
And listen most patiently
Surfing the net
Just waiting for you to stop
Well if you don't say much
Expect that I'll talk
Speech is my thing
It's what I do
But if you're not really around
Then I'll write to you!
--Shivangi Vyasulu

Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
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