Thursday, May 5, 2011

Caf-feigning awake thoughts.

Swimming through murky waters,
Coming up for air and a better perspective.
Lack of sufficient resources
Liquid inspiration
I long for the moment
Hitting my brain and reverberating
Assailing my senses both olfactory and creative
I surface once more to find daylight
Diving into crystal waters suddenly
The coral so perfectly formed.
Waiting for the prescribed half hour to avoid cramps
Pondering my path of discovery
Revelation on the horizon.
Shimmering movement of thought
Plunging into the depths of young minds
The magnetic thrill of the new.
Alluring simplicity
Egged on by fantasy
Dissipated by logic
Choosing my words
Frail wings of learning
I surface with a smile
Coffee on my breath.  

--Shivangi Vyasulu

1 comment:

muddlehead said...

and they say coffee is addictive... if the blacl beans can make me achieve nirvana...hell yes brew it up:) love it shivi:)share it

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Poet's Marathon by Shivangi Vyasulu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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